Habits of truly self-confident people: you can take an example from them

Have you ever met incredibly confident people? People who knew and perceived themselves in a way that most people around them simply could not? Most likely, met, and not only met, but also slightly envied.

But if you think that they were born like that, and you cannot become even remotely similar to them, it is not true . You too can find self-confidence – if you only want to.

So here are nine habits of confident people that will help you find that confidence too:

They are not afraid to admit their mistakes and apologize if necessary

We all make mistakes – at least from time to time. A confident person accepts this fact as an integral part of life. She will not stubbornly defend a bad deed just to try to save face.

A self-confident person understands that he has absolutely nothing to lose by admitting that he is also human and also makes mistakes. She loses absolutely nothing, but she can gain a lot — from the opportunity for self-improvement, to strengthening trust between her and those around her, and gaining a reputation as an honest person.

They are not let fear stop them

A self-confident person is usually willing to take risks that no one else would dare to take. Such people may well submit an application to participate in the elections and try to “unseat” a successful politician from their perch – although everyone tells them that they do not have a single chance.

They can try to get on a major league sports team, even though there are tons of people vying for that spot. Or apply to a company that half of their university graduates want to work for.

For a truly confident person, the risk of rejection never outweighs the opportunity for growth. These risks allow them to learn something new faster, to see opportunities where fear closes the eyes of other people.

Think about what you could achieve if you weren't afraid to fail?

They don't hesitate to ask for help when they really need it

Insecure people may see asking for help as a sign of weakness or incompetence. The confident, on the contrary, understand that none of us is iron, no one can understand everything in the world, and therefore we all need help from time to time.

Strong people create a wide network of support around them, and are happy to help others.

Very few people are able to achieve success on their own, without relying on anyone's help. When you ask someone for help, it shows that you are humble, that you know the limits of your abilities, and that you can see the strengths of those around you.

Also, when you ask other people for help in something they are really understand, as a rule, this helps to strengthen relationships.

They do not need other people's attention and approval

Self-confident people already know what they are worth and what they are capable of. They do not need others to help them feel worthy of love, friendship, communication or existence in general. And this sense of self-confidence allows them, instead of seeking praise or approval at any cost, to emphasize communication with other people.

A self-confident person will be quite comfortable on stage and is not afraid of other people's attention, but she is unlikely to try at all costs to get the main role, especially if this will lead to conflict and will not bring her true happiness. She does not need other people's attention at any cost.

They take care of their body

A truly confident person values ​​his physical well-being. Even the most spiritual people realize sooner or later that they should take care not only of their souls, but also of the health of their bodies, since they are inextricably linked.

And this means that you should not forget that your body should get enough sleep and fluids. And it also means that you should listen to your body and let it rest when its strength is exhausted. This means that you must exercise regularly and eat well.

Take care of your body and it will take care of you. Your soul will be much easier in a healthy body.

They know how to listen to those around them

A truly confident person knows that the most important thing to do in any conversation is to listen to your interlocutor. At the same time, they understand that they should really listen to him, and not just wait for a pause to insert their line.

Insecure people tend to say too much. They try to completely monopolize the dialogue, turning it into a monologue. They feel that they simply have to do it to prove to you and themselves that their opinions are worthy of being heard.

Self-confident people know that they do not have to prove anything to anyone, and they will be more willing to expand their knowledge than to inflate their ego.

They know how to say “No”

In order to be truly confident in yourself, you first need to know yourself – from A to Z. This knowledge clearly includes the recognition and respect of our limitations — we must truly realize that we do not have infinite time, energy, money, or any other finite resources.

After all, it is better to do three things, but properly, than ten at once, but whatever. People who are not sure of themselves are often so afraid of offending others by refusing that they answer “yes” to all offers. As a result, they repeatedly find themselves in a situation where they have too many tasks and obligations, and too little time to do everything on time.

Naturally, such a situation cannot be called healthy in any way, it can lead to stress, anxiety and depression. To avoid this, define for yourself in advance the boundaries that you are not ready to cross, and protect them by all available means.

They are not inclined to judge other people. Each of us has our strengths and weaknesses. And each of us has our own shortcomings.

But everyone has something special, something that a person is able to share with the world. When we reject another person because of their real or perceived flaws, we are actually rejecting ourselves.

Yes, it may give us a sense of superiority for a while, but ultimately this behavior will only erode our sense of self-confidence and self-esteem.

Their self-confidence comes from the inside, not the outside

For most people, happiness and confidence go hand in hand hand When self-confidence increases, so does happiness. Ultimately, both of these are the result of true, deep self-knowledge and the desire to truly love yourself.

We repeat once again – truly self-confident people do not need other people's approval. Their sense of confidence in themselves and their abilities comes from within, from the depths of their souls.

“No one can make you feel unworthy without your consent.” – Eleanor Roosevelt.

Yes. try to cultivate such a strong sense of self-worth and confidence that nothing can shake it.

Know yourself. Love yourself. Take care of yourself. And confidence will increase.

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Author: alex

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