Hair loss: can frequent hair washing contribute to baldness?

Hair loss when taking a shower or while washing your hair is a problem, common to both men and women of all hair lengths.

Dr. Erim Chaudhry, an expert in the field of men's health, commented in an interview on the possible connection between frequent head washing and hair loss.< /p>

The specialist noted that many people are concerned about the amount of hair that falls out during washing, but washing the head as such is not a factor that increases this problem – it does not contribute to baldness.

“If you have hair loss during taking a shower is quite normal. When you wash, you stimulate your scalp and your hair, which is already destined to fall out, gets the final push to do so. The hair that fell from the head during washing somehow soon left it,” the specialist explained.

Dr. Chaudhry added that shedding up to 100 hairs a day is normal. When the hair is long, its loss may seem more intense.

On the other hand, if the hair is prone to greasiness, regular washing helps to keep it healthy. You don't need to over-exfoliate, but you should still cleanse your scalp of oils, pollutants, and other ingredients that can clog pores and contribute to inflammation.

Washing and drying your hair can exacerbate the problem, according to Dr. Chaudhry. baldness only if the hair and hair follicles have already been damaged by chemicals or something else.

The specialist noted: when hair loss is caused by genetic and age-related hormonal processes, cosmetic products will not be able to stop them, and in general “very little can be done to acquire the former thickness of the hair”.

In any case, when androgenetic alopecia occurs, it is necessary to consult a specialist, otherwise the risk of a person spending on many unnecessary means and getting nothing but disappointment increases dramatically .

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Author: alex

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