Hangover: 4 Inexpensive Breakfast Foods to Help Bring Relief in the Morning

Whatever alcoholic drink you choose, the culprit in its content is ethanol. But there are four breakfast foods that can help fight its effects and replenish lost minerals and vitamins in the body.

Alcohol is a toxic chemical that is also a diuretic that removes water from the body and causes dehydration. . Have you ever noticed that you need to go to the bathroom more often when you drink? It's all about the diuretic ability of alcohol.

However, the associated dehydration is one of the main causes of a hangover. So drinking plenty of water between drinks can be the first step to avoiding trouble the next morning.

But if it's too late to undo it, four breakfast foods can help:

< ul>

  • Eggs
  • Avocado
  • Oatmeal
  • Bananas
  • Eggs< /h3>

    Waking up after a party craving eggs may have some science behind them, as eggs are rich in nutrients that can be used as medicine. Eggs also contain the amino acid cysteine, which your body uses to make the antioxidant glutathione.



    < h3>Bananas

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    Publication date:
    Author: alex

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