Harm of healthy eating: which healthy foods can cause arthritis

“Arthritis” translated from Latin as “pain in the joints”. And indeed, this disease manifests itself in the form of pain in the area where the bones join. To prevent the disease, doctors advise to follow a proper diet. But it turned out that not all dietary products are actually useful for arthritis.

The danger for people with inflammation in the joints is omega – 6 fatty acids. It is believed that they are needed by the body for normal growth and development. In addition, according to Mayo Clinic experts, omega-6 fatty acids have a positive effect on heart health, unlike animal fats found in meat and dairy products.

However, excessive consumption of these fatty acids acids can trigger an overproduction of certain chemicals in the body that will lead to inflammation. Omega-6 fatty acids are mainly found in vegetable oils, for example:

  • in olive oil;
  • in sesame oil;
  • in corn oil;
  • in soybean oil;
  • in peanut butter;

What can you eat?

At the same time, there are products with fatty acids, which, on the contrary, help fight inflammation. For example, fruits, vegetables, fish and nuts should be included in the diet. The so-called “Mediterranean diet” is best suited for this. Its distinguishing feature is that it is rich in vegetables, nuts and legumes, cereals and unsaturated fats.

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Author: alex

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