Harmful to organs and carcinogenic: additives to be avoided


Fragrances, dyes, preserves, conservatives. Not all of them are safe, some substances can provoke allergies, damage organs, cause cancer.

dye. There are very little completely natural dyes – the main proportion of these additives used by food producers is synthetic substances.

yellow dyes E102, E104, E110. Skin rash and respiratory disorders are diseases that can cause E102 (tartrazine). Scientists are discussing the possible carcinogenic effect of this dye.

There is a data on the additive E104 that it can cause hyperactivity in children with attention deficit. In addition, E104 promotes pseudo -allergy. It is an allergy that has only symptoms of classical allergies but does not cause any immunological reaction.

red dyes E122, E123, E124, E127, E129. They are used in meat and vegetable protein substitutes, sauces, candy and jams. E127 dye is able to provoke thyroid disorders.

E123 is suspected of the ability to damage the kidneys. In the US, this dye is forbidden – animal studies have shown that it can cause cancer.

brown dyes E150, E151, E154, E155. Present in cupcakes, pies and other baking, candy, sauces, smoked products. The US products with E150 are accompanied by a marking indicating a potential risk of cancer. E154 and E155 dyes can cause damage to the internal organs.

preservatives. The use of preservatives is justified to some extent: they prevent the growth of bacteria, mold and yeast. But some preservatives should still be avoided. Possible reactions to this preservative may be headaches, nausea and diarrhea.

E249 and E250 are one of the most popular preservatives in the production of meat products. These additives are vasodilator and antihypertensive, which is especially harmful to children.

thickened. Supplements such as a gum of horn and gouache gum improve the structure of food. With their addition of sauces, dairy products find a pleasant consistency. These thickeners are harmless. It is excreted undigested and reduces the absorption of nutrients.

thickener E425 is often used in “glass” noodles. This component prevents the absorption of nutrients in the intestine.

flavor enhancers. Migraine, abdominal pain, high blood pressure, it can occur as a result of the use of glutamates in large quantities.

sweeteners. E999 supplement added to foamy drinks capable of reducing the number of blood cells or limiting their function.

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Author: alex

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