Headache: how to get rid of it without the help of pills
Once you start understand that you have a headache, immediately grab the pills? Do you know by heart the names of drugs that help get rid of headaches? It's time to change something. Pills are not always a suitable method, and this method is not suitable for everyone. Let's figure out together how to get rid of a headache without the help of pills.
Why does a headache occur?The method of treatment should be chosen based on the same reason. The meninges are surrounded by blood vessels, and their expansion and overflowing with blood leads to stretching of the meninges. The vessel begins to pulsate, passing to the trigeminal nerve. In this case, it is necessary to narrow the vessels. Ice or another very cold object to be applied to the source of pain is ideal.
Hot with a headache will not help. It is not necessary to use ointments with menthol on the wings of the nose, whiskey, eyebrow arches. Such methods can distract from a headache, so it is appropriate to use them not to get rid of painful sensations, but to distract yourself. It often works in such situations when the headache is caused by stress, strong irritations, nervousness. An ointment with capsaicin, which has an irritating effect and eliminates pain, also works well.
Squeezing a pencil tightly between your teeth is another effective way to get rid of a headache. This action relaxes the scalp muscles. Rubbing the neck with a twisted towel also works well, as unpleasant sensations can arise due to tension. A similar method is able to relax the muscles.
Instead, you can do a self-massage or go to a professional, if there is such an opportunity. Pain is often caused by spasm of the muscles of the skull, neck, and scalp due to muscle tension, stress, and uncomfortable posture. Usually, such a headache is located in the back of the head and haunts a person for hours. Massage will improve blood supply and remove spasm.
A headache can be a consequence of osteochondrosis. Incorrect posture and the habit of reading from the phone, tilting the head towards it, lead to a similar disease. Sensations in this case tighten, press, in the back of the head. It will not be possible to get rid of the pain just like that. It will be necessary to do therapeutic massage, acupuncture and other procedures. But only after diagnosis. Contacting a doctor is the right solution.
Dry indoor air can also lead to headaches. Especially during the heating season. Humidity should be 55-60%, so it is better to buy a humidifier. And the lack of oxygen is easy to fill – you just need to go outside, at least for 10 minutes.
Nutrition also contributes to the formation of a headache. Often, certain products provoke unpleasant sensations. These include blue cheeses, citrus fruits, red wine, and caffeine. A balanced diet will avoid headaches. And in the case of a persistent problem, it will be correct not to swallow pills and use folk methods, but to consult a doctor.
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