Health rules that it's time to stop following and here's why

Do you try not to eat after six in the evening, actively use products with SPF even in cloudy weather, and accurately calculate calories and the amount eaten at dinner? It seems that you are doing everything possible to maintain health and beauty, but you should not rush to such an unequivocal conclusion. Some popular lifestyle rules may not only not bring significant benefits, but may also harm the body. How and why this happens – we understand our material.

Do not eat after 18:00

Oddly enough, you need to eat not according to time, but according to your appetite. If after 18:00 you don't want to eat, and maybe you go to bed early, then this is one situation, but if you constantly struggle with the feeling of hunger and think only about food, then this behavior will bring only harm and zero benefit.

You can and should eat after 18:00. The only question is what exactly. Regardless of the time of day, food must be guided by the principles of proper nutrition, which must include protein (meat), fiber (fresh vegetables), carbohydrates (cereals, whole grain bread), which are slowly digested, and fats (first of all — “correct” fats, which are mainly represented by omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids).

It will not be a mistake to eat a good steak (red meat) with fresh vegetables after 18:00. It will not bring many calories to the body (most of them are spent on digesting meat and vegetable fiber), but it will provide you with a good mood and necessary nutrients. Meat contains essential amino acids that we cannot get from any other food. At the same time, amino acids are the building material for protein hormones. Melatonin (sleep hormone) and growth hormone are synthesized at night. Scientists attribute a key role in triggering aging mechanisms to their insufficient production. That is why it is important to create the “right conditions” for their synthesis.

So, the conclusion: we eat meat after 18:00, we get a minimum of calories and a sufficient amount of building material for hormones that are produced during sleep, and we also get rid of the feeling of hunger, which can lead to stress and loss of good sleep.

If you are not a fan of meat, replace it with fish, seafood.

Returning to the phrase “you need to eat not according to the time, but when the appetite appears”, it is important to clarify that it is normal to feel hungry in of a healthy person after a full meal disappears for 4-6 hours. If you feel hungry all the time, regardless of what and how much you have eaten, this is a reason to consult a doctor.

ЗОЖ- rules that it's time to stop following and here's why

Eat often in small portions

And this is the right way to gain weight. With each meal, the hormone insulin is released into the blood, the main function of which is to absorb glucose (sugar) that comes with food into the cells. But insulin has another feature — an increase in its level in the blood causes and maintains a feeling of hunger.

As a result, we eat food, provoking the release of insulin, but since we eat little, excess insulin supports a constant feeling of hunger, forcing us to “snack” more and more often. 6-8 snacks per day of 200-300 kcal each – and we get the number of calories that we are not able to spend during the day. The result is weight gain.

Periodically “go on a diet”

Diets that do not exist today – fruit, kefir, keto diet, diet named after a famous person. Any diet is bad, if the word “diet” means significant food restrictions. As mentioned above, nutrition should be balanced and nutritious all the time. The human body equally needs protein (building material for muscles, cells, hormones), carbohydrates (slowly digested, is a source of glycogen necessary for the work of all the muscles of the body), fiber (thanks to which the intestines will work properly) and fats (provide stability of cell) membranes, is a building material for many important hormones and vitamins).

Dieting means depriving the body of certain useful nutrients, which is why “weight loss” on a diet is accompanied by a loss of not only fat mass, but and muscles. After all, it is the quantity and quality of muscles that determines our state of health and quality of life.

In addition, having experienced a period of strict restrictions in the diet, our body seeks to compensate for the lost as soon as possible, so often after the end of the diet, a person gains weight again extra kilograms.

ЗОЖ- rules that it's time to stop following and here's why

Use sunscreen (“They prevent skin aging”)

Age changes in the skin, like the whole body , is a complex process that depends on genetics (what is embedded in us long before birth, our heredity) and the influence of environmental factors.

Stress, dry air, irregular or improper care, unhealthy habits, improper nutrition, age-related hormonal changes – all this affects the condition of the skin. It is believed that the skin should be protected from the sun, the influence of which accelerates aging. And this is a big mistake.

The fact is that our skin is the main source of vitamin D synthesis in the body, and this vitamin is synthesized under the influence of sunlight on the skin. By applying sunscreen, we “protect” ourselves, first of all, from the synthesis of vitamin D. It is known that vitamin D deficiency is the cause of many diseases (rickets, osteoporosis, reproductive disorders, depression, which causes the development of obesity, diabetes, immunodeficiency states, and even oncology ).

Speaking directly about the skin, the skin also synthesizes vitamin D, and this process is very important for the condition of the skin. Maintaining a normal level of vitamin D in the skin optimizes metabolic processes, increases the skin's resistance to external influences, maintains optimal skin moisture (read also: “Vitamin D and skin aging”).

With age, the skin gradually loses its ability to synthesize the vitamin D. As a result, the natural barrier function of the skin deteriorates, it becomes drier, “flabby”, less resistant to external influences. We complement this situation by applying Sunscreen and get an acceleration of skin aging.

It is much more useful to saturate the skin with provitamin D, which is the source of vitamin D synthesis in the skin. There are even creams with provitamin D. The use of topical products with provitamin D provides a unique opportunity to create a depot of provitamin D in the skin regardless of the time of year and day. After being in the sun, the skin will be ready for the active synthesis of vitamin D.

Healthy rules that it's time to stop following and here's why

Running in the morning< /h3>

Surprised? Undoubtedly, everyone needs physical activity. But when choosing a type of physical activity, individual characteristics must be taken into account. Morning jogging is one of the most common ways to combat hypodynamia, but not all “morning runners” will benefit from this type of activity.

First, it is important where the run takes place. It is important to choose a place with good ecology, and you also need to be sure of your good health. You can’t run (and do sports in general) if there are any “problems” in the body, scientifically speaking – deficiencies: iron deficiency (suffered by 70% of women and 40% of men), vitamin D deficiency (suffered by 80% of the population of countries with chronic in winters), deficiency of thyroid hormones; deficiency of sex hormones (menopause in women)

All of the above deficiencies lead to sarcoponia – loss of the quantity and quality of muscle mass, which, in turn, makes playing sports not only a difficult test, but also a danger for health.

In addition, there is a category of people for whom morning sports are contraindicated, and it is better to postpone physical activity to the evening. In other words, physical activity is very important and necessary, but it is better to choose the time and method together with a competent specialist.

Take multivitamins

Yes, we live in difficult times, when bad ecology is combined with the stresses of megacities and the deterioration of the quality of food products leads to a lack of vitamins and trace elements. But these are all common words, and they cannot be a reason to take “some vitamins”. Oddly enough, most of the vitamins that are declared in multivitamin complexes, we get from food in sufficient quantities, and those vitamins that may really be lacking (A, E, C, D, B12, iron, etc.) are contained in such ” complexes” in too small a quantity, insufficient to replenish the deficiency.

In fact, every deficiency, in particular vitamin deficiency, has symptoms and detection methods (analyses). If you think you need vitamins, take the time to see a doctor, get tested and take what you need.

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Author: alex

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