HealthCentral lists important symptoms of high blood sugar

HealthCentral experts named the important symptoms of increased blood sugar. If the stated signs appear, then the person needs to undergo a medical examination.

These are symptoms that appear on the face. They affect the eyes, nose and mouth. The fact is that in the event of a violation of blood sugar parameters, a change in the condition of the skin occurs. With diabetes, the nerves begin to break down. At the same time, skin cells are also at risk. Some of these units contain skin color pigment.

When it disappears, the skin becomes white. This condition is called vitiligo. Doctors explained that it is most often found in diabetes of the first type, but can indicate the presence of the second type. It destroys melanin-producing cells. As a result, some areas become discolored.

Vitiligo appears around the mouth, eyes and nose. Spots can also be in the abdomen and chest. Specialists recommend using steroid creams for treatment, as well as micropigmentation and ultraviolet light. According to experts, this condition also occurs in patients with type 2 diabetes. In a recent study on the prevalence of vitiligo among this group, it was found that 12% of people suffer from this disease.

You should also pay attention to the 3 morning symptoms of diabetes. These include blurred vision, extreme thirst and nausea. If these signs appear, you should contact a specialist.

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Author: alex

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