Healthy breakfast: nutritionists named the most harmful habits

Many people prefer to have breakfast quickly and usually choose dishes that do not require long cooking. However, health experts warn that this can lead to digestive problems and frequent snacking throughout the day. To avoid unpleasant consequences, experts recommend following a few simple rules during breakfast.

Simple carbohydrates

Although it may seem convenient to quickly eat a bun with tea or muesli for breakfast, many of the popular “morning” products do not bring any benefit to the body. “It is a common and annoying habit to include refined carbohydrates in breakfast. The products use grains devoid of useful vitamins and minerals, for example, iron and B vitamins. This makes them extremely high in calories. Due to the fact that carbohydrates are processed, they are quickly absorbed and lead to glucose spikes,” said Trista Best, MD.

As an example, she gave cereal with milk, which is digested after about 30 minutes, after which the feeling of hunger appears again. The way out of the situation can be the use of products that contain a large amount of protein, healthy fats and fiber. In particular, instead of a bun with jam, you can eat whole grain bread with nut butter. You can also add fruit spread or honey.

Breakfast skip

Skipping breakfast altogether can have negative health consequences. Contrary to popular belief, the first meal is extremely important, especially for maintaining a healthy weight. According to nutritionists, skipping breakfast has a negative effect on waist size because the metabolism does not kick in at the beginning of the day, which reduces energy production. As a result, this leads to constant snacking, since the body still requires calories to function.

Lack of protein

Eating only carbohydrates at breakfast can lead to to a sharp drop in blood sugar after a few hours. Although bananas, for example, are good for health, if you do not combine them with other products, the feeling of hunger will be especially strong at lunch. In order to stay full longer and stabilize the blood sugar level, it is necessary to include protein in breakfast, which is found in large quantities in eggs, yogurt, nut oil, etc.

Quick breakfast

If you eat breakfast quickly, the brain does not have time to receive a signal from the stomach that it is full, said nutritionist Shannon Henry. According to her, the brain understands that the stomach is not empty only 15-20 minutes after the start of the meal. If you eat everything in 10 minutes or less, you can eat more than you need. In particular, in a study involving 3,200 men and women, Japanese scientists found that fast food is directly related to excess weight.

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Author: alex

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