Healthy sleep: five rules that will help you sleep well

Healthy sleep recharges body with energy for the whole day. Many sleep problems can be avoided if you maintain a proper daily routine.

Experts have selected five recommendations that will help you fall asleep quickly and get a good night's sleep. You should start by planning dinner.

Avoid late dinner

Healthy nutrition experts recommend leaving at least three hours between dinner and bedtime. The body will have enough time to start digesting food. The likelihood of heartburn is reduced. Many people can't fall asleep after a heavy meal because the body needs a certain period of wakefulness to digest it.

Don't go to bed on an empty stomach

Low blood sugar also does not contribute to good sleep, experts admit. The quality of sleep can be improved by a light snack containing a lot of carbohydrates and protein – an apple with peanut butter, rice flakes with skim milk or a few crackers with cheese.

Clarify the training schedule

Sports doctors do not advise active training before going to bed. Heavy physical exertion in the evening is acceptable if you go to bed at least an hour after it.

Avoid alcohol

Some believe that a couple of glasses of alcohol will help you sleep better . In fact, this is not the case – alcohol-induced drowsiness prevents healthy sleep. Many people wake up in the middle of the night after drinking alcohol at night and then can't fall asleep for a long time.

Keep gadgets away

Even a quick check of messages on a smartphone stimulates the brain. . “It delays the onset of sleep,” warns American somnologist Harnit Walia. It is better to leave gadgets at night in silent mode in the opposite end of the room from the bed.

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Author: alex

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