Heart attack in women and men: signs and causes of myocardial infarction

A heart attack is a life-threatening condition in which the heart muscle is deprived of vital oxygen-rich blood.

A heart attack is also known as a myocardial infarction, and its symptoms are not always certain because they may vary from person to person.

The most common signs include:

  • chest pain, tightness, heaviness, burning sensation;
  • for some people the pain and tightness will be severe, for others it will be just uncomfortable;
  • sweating;
  • feeling dizzy ;
  • lack of air, shortness of breath;
  • a feeling of nausea;
  • severe anxiety, panic.

Women have a heart attack more often than in men, it manifests itself with signs that are more reminiscent of digestive problems. They are also characterized by atypical pain symptoms – pain in the chest, but also in the hands, neck, jaw, back, stomach;

What are the causes of a heart attack? Most often, it is provoked by coronary heart disease. CHD is caused by the narrowing of the coronary arteries that supply the heart with blood due to the accumulation of fat (cholesterol) in them. If a piece of fatty material breaks off, it can lead to a blood clot. When the clot is large enough, it can block an artery and cut off the blood supply to the heart muscle, a phenomenon known as acute coronary syndrome or coronary thrombosis.

How can you prevent a heart attack?< /h2>

  • Give up smoking: smokers are twice as likely to die of a heart attack as non-smokers.
  • Exercise regularly (at least two hours 30 minutes per week for adults).
  • Eat a high-fiber, low-fat diet, eat five portions of fruits and vegetables a day.
  • Limit alcohol consumption.
  • Lose weight if you are overweight.

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Author: alex

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