Heart problems: 5 signs to look out for
Do you feel that something is wrong with your heart? The following five signs often indicate a problematic state of the heart muscle, and doctors advise paying attention to them.
Heart problems and diseases caused by them are one of the key causes of death in many countries. One of the explanations for this phenomenon is that many people wait too long for an examination and get to the doctor in a timely manner.
Speaking about the risk of cardiovascular diseases, doctors note: it is important to monitor your well-being, listen to your body .
What signs should you pay attention to in order to suspect heart problems, seek medical examination?
Sudden discomfort.German experts have a so-called nose, hand and navel rule that helps determine an impending heart attack in women. According to this rule, any sudden discomfort or soreness that occurs in the body between the tip of the nose, the arm and the navel, lasting more than 15 minutes, is suspected of having a heart attack. In case of such discomfort, the victims should call an ambulance – especially if the sudden worsening of their well-being occurred in a calm state, while resting.
A weak handshake.The study, which analyzed the data of 140,000 patients aged 35 to 70 from 17 countries, observed for four years, showed: the firmness of the handshake can signal the condition of the heart. If it weakens, this indicates an increase in the risk of a heart attack, as well as the risk of a stroke.
Shortness of breath and compression. Practicing cardiologists state: a few weeks before a heart attack, a feeling of compression may occur in the chest This makes it difficult to breathe, to take full breaths. There is a feeling that there is not enough air in the lungs.
Nausea and vomiting. What appears to be the stomach flu can be a sign of a heart attack. With the appearance of a feeling of shyness or squeezing combined with vomiting and pain in the upper abdomen, it is necessary to consult a doctor.
Family history. It should be remembered that cardiac – vascular diseases are hereditary. If one of your direct relatives (parents, brothers and sisters) has already suffered a heart attack, then you are indicated for regular examinations.
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