Here are some subtle signs that you may have inflammation
Your stiff joints , forgetfulness or a depressive state can be non-obvious signs of inflammation in the body.
Medical experts state that the signs of low-differentiated, chronic inflammation may not have a clear expression, and early symptoms are often “elusive and vague”. However, it is important to know its signs so that initial chronic inflammation does not linger and push the body to a more serious health problem.
Here are some subtle signs that inflammation may be taking root in your body.
Your joints are sore or stiff.Joint pain can be one of the first signs of chronic inflammation caused by various causes. It can also be a signal of the presence of an autoimmune disease, for example, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, gout. These pathologies cause an overvoltage of the immune system, in which unnecessary inflammatory chemicals are released. Specifically, joint pain that is long-lasting or reoccurring is indicative of inflammation.
You keep forgetting things. Memory and mental abilities slowly decline with age, but research shows that cognitive problems are associated with a higher level of inflammatory markers in the body.
Constantly in a bad mood.Being prone to depression is another subtle sign that you may have inflammation. Inflammation causes changes in neurotransmitter activity and brain function that can cause depressed emotional states.
You have new digestive problems. If bloating, diarrhea, and other problems continue to recur over a period of time time, this may be a sign of inflammation. According to doctors, inflammatory compounds, entering the bloodstream, penetrate the intestine and negatively affect its bacterial composition.
Your blood pressure rises slightly.Retarded inflammation is an activator of hypertension, which contributes to damage and hardening of blood vessels.
You often catch colds. Physiologically, chronic inflammation is a sick immune response, which means that the immune system for some reason is overstimulated and overtired. As a result, when you come into contact with bacteria and viruses, the body may not be able to fight them.
You are often hungry. Constant or uncontrollable hunger can be a signal that the body is unable to adequately manage glucose, but can also be a sign of underlying inflammation. The reason is that chronic inflammation makes cells resistant to insulin, contributing to high blood sugar and type 2 diabetes.
You get persistent skin irritations. Chronic inflammation suppresses immune system, can make the body too sensitive to various stimuli. Skin irritations, diseases (for example, eczema) often become external signs of increased susceptibility to allergic reactions.
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