Here are the easiest ways to improve eye health

One of the most common eye problems is myopia. In the absence of treatment, the condition can lead to the development of cataracts, glaucoma, lazy eye syndrome and macular degeneration. You can prevent such consequences and improve vision with the help of simple methods, including training the eyes and taking vitamins.

Relax the eye muscles

As ophthalmologist Tyler Sorensen explained, the eye muscles that support good vision weaken over time if they are not exercised. This is a common problem for people who work in front of a computer or teenagers who spend too much time in front of gadgets. In order to improve vision, the specialist advised to take a break every couple of hours, shifting your gaze to other objects. It is best to go outside, but as a last resort, you can even just look at the landscape outside the window.

Sometimes take off your glasses

Glasses are the quickest solution to nearsightedness, but they actually relax the eye muscles, preventing them from working at their full potential. Sorensen recommended taking them off more often, and ideally wearing them only when really necessary. “You can put them on at the grocery store, but leave them on if you're going to see a movie on the big screen,” he noted.

Take vitamins

There are certain nutrients substances, vitamins and minerals that affect the work of the eyes. Vitamins A, C and E, antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids and lutein are considered to be one of the most important. “If possible, include these nutrients in your daily diet by eating plenty of leafy greens, berries and fish,” the expert added.

Exercises for the eyes

Exercise outdoors is considered beneficial. One of the most effective is an exercise to stretch the eye muscles. To do this, you need to stand up straight, and then look at the horizon to the right without turning your head. Then slowly look to the left, and later – down and up. Previously, Tyler Sorensen named several more exercises that will help strengthen the health of the eyes.

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Author: alex

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