High blood pressure is not a problem: how to deal with it?

High blood pressure can be a real problem. But if you follow certain recommendations, you can get rid of it and improve your health. Read how in our material.

Why measure blood pressure?

The patient needs to know his “working” blood pressure. In case of any deviations, you should immediately consult a doctor. Otherwise, you can end up with very unpleasant complications. It is especially important to measure blood pressure for men over 35 years of age. You will be unpleasantly surprised if the readings are high, although in reality you may feel quite well.

For many years, people with high blood pressure may not experience any problems. Hypertension is often called the “silent killer” for this reason. Normal blood pressure is considered to be no higher than 120/80 mm Hg. The indicator from 120/80 to 139/89 is called prehypertension. The threshold is considered to be 140/90, but the indicator above 180/110 is already considered a hypertensive crisis, that is, a situation that requires immediate reduction in blood pressure.

With high blood pressure, a cardiologist’s consultation is required.

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Author: alex

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