High cholesterol: a simple way to achieve its reduction

You can successfully fight against high cholesterol, the provocateur of atherosclerosis, strokes and heart attacks, by choosing the right food. One of the simple ways to reduce it is to eat grapefruit, said representatives of the British Heart Foundation (BHF).

“High cholesterol can be reversed if you resort to the right diet. Grapefruits, which have numerous health-promoting properties, can help reduce its concentration in the blood,” experts said

British doctors refer to a study published by the Journal of Agricultural Food Chemistry (Journal of Agricultural Food Chemistry). Its participants were volunteers with high cholesterol who had undergone coronary bypass surgery at least a year before the experiment. Tests have shown that eating grapefruit can be a simple way to reduce the level of “bad” LDL cholesterol (low-density lipoprotein), which destroys vascular tissue and contributes to the development of dangerous vascular pathologies.

“Eating just one red grapefruit a day for a month can help lower LDL cholesterol by as much as 20 percent,” say doctors.

Scientists attribute the cardioprotective effect of citrus to the presence of compounds of limonoids and lycopene, which have anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, it contains pectin-type fiber (soluble), also helps to reduce LDL.

However, scientists warn that grapefruit can increase the effect of some heart drugs, such as statins and calcium channel blockers. Therefore, before starting to eat grapefruits or drink juice, people taking these drugs should consult a doctor.

Also, doctors draw the attention of smokers to the fact that their habit contributes to an increase in cholesterol levels, since the resins obtained with tobacco smoke, facilitate the adhesion of cholesterol plaques to the walls of arteries. To help blood vessels, they urge you to give up cigarettes. Another important tip is to reduce the consumption of saturated fats and eat several portions of fruits and vegetables every day.

Experts remind that the level of cholesterol in the blood is measured using a simple blood test.

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Author: alex

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