High cholesterol can lead to leg amputation
Cholesterol is necessary for the body to function normally bodies Without it, vitamin D and some hormones will not be produced. However, improper nutrition and an unhealthy lifestyle contribute to the accumulation of excess cholesterol in blood vessels.
Unpleasant consequences include dangerous cardiovascular diseases.
It is quite difficult to notice an excess of cholesterol without the help of a doctor, experts explain. . Most often, people learn about it only when faced with the problem of blocked vessels. However, there are several symptoms that can indicate an unhealthy excess of it in the body.
One of them, Express says, is pain in the limbs.
Cholesterol build-up in blood vessels causes them to narrow, called atherosclerosis. Cholesterol plaques in the arteries of the legs cause a disease called peripheral artery disease (PAD). At the same time, the person feels discomfort in the legs and feet. Sometimes ASD affects the hands as well.
ASD can limit mobility, and in particularly severe cases, lead to the loss of limbs. Experts recommend that if you suspect ZPA, you should consult a doctor who can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment.
For prevention, doctors advise to reduce the consumption of food rich in saturated fats. It includes sausages and fatty meats, butter, hard cheeses, cakes and cookies. Useful unsaturated fats are found in such products as olive oil, seeds, fatty fish.
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