High cholesterol: how to lower the level without drugs

Cholesterol is an important component of metabolism, without which the normal functioning of the human body is impossible. However, when his performance is outside the normal range, he poses a threat. Moreover, it is dangerous both to increase its concentration in the blood and to decrease it.

When the level of cholesterol in the blood increases, the doctor can prescribe special drugs – statins. But there are many ways to lower it without medication.

Dietary changes

Using wild salmon and sardines will help lower cholesterol without medication. These types of fish contain a large amount of omega-3 fatty acids. In addition, it is useful to take fish oil supplements with food every day.

According to the pediatrician, avocados and nuts rich in phytosterols will help reduce this indicator. Pumpkin seeds, wheat sprouts, oats, oat bran, lentils and flax seeds should be added to the diet.

Foods containing trans fats and a large amount of sugar should be excluded from the diet.

Physical activity

Physical exercises will help clear the blood of excess fat deposited in the vessels. Sport helps not only to quickly reduce cholesterol without drugs, but also to lose weight. Running is best for these purposes.

Giving up bad habits

To reduce cholesterol, the doctor advises to give up tobacco and alcohol. Numerous additives, carcinogens and tar from smoke affect all organs. Smoking plays one of the main roles in the development of atherosclerosis.

Folk remedies

At home, you can lower cholesterol with folk remedies. The doctor recommends using linden flowers. They reduce total cholesterol and help increase the concentration of useful high-density lipoproteins. Decoction and tea from linden flowers are used for medicinal purposes.

Dandelion is a real treasure of vitamins and trace elements. Plant rhizomes are used to clean blood vessels from atherosclerotic plaques. They are dried and ground into powder.

The doctor recommends using garlic. The greatest value for blood vessels is allicin, which has a beneficial effect on the lipid profile. A mixture of garlic with olive oil or alcohol tincture is most often used for treatment.

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Author: alex

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