High cholesterol: named vegetables that can reduce its level by 30%

Doctors call eggplants and artichokes among the vegetables most useful in lowering high cholesterol.

Elevated cholesterol refers to an excess of fatty substances in the blood – this disorder is one of the leading causes of coronary heart disease. But scientists state that certain natural compounds can be very useful in reducing cholesterol.

In particular, such compounds are found in vegetables. Experts named the vegetables capable of lowering cholesterol levels by 30% due to their compounds, which are eggplants, artichokes and beans.

Eggplants. Vegetables are rich in soluble fiber and contain chlorogenic acid, which has proven itself in scientific tests as a means of reducing the level of cholesterol in blood serum.

Artichoke.They contain little fat, but at the same time are rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. The advantage of artichokes is a significant concentration in the composition of folic acid, vitamins C and K, and even minerals – magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, iron. This composition contributes to the healing of blood vessels. In animal studies, a 30% reduction in the level of “bad” LDL cholesterol and a 22% reduction in triglycerides were recorded after regular consumption of artichoke extract.

Beans. It is especially rich in soluble fiber. It takes a long time for the body to digest it – this means that you feel full longer after eating and refrain from snacking, which contribute to an increase in cholesterol. Beans are also rich in protein, vitamins and minerals, and contain little fat. Scientists advise people who are trying to lower their cholesterol to replace foods high in saturated fat, such as meat, heavy cream or full-fat dairy products, with beans.

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Author: alex

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