High cholesterol: simple foods will help lower it, nutritionists said

High cholesterol can lead to serious health problems over time, increasing the risk of heart disease. Nutritionists have told which products will help in this situation.


“Beta-glucan is a soluble fiber found in oatmeal that helps reduce the LDL cholesterol and makes you feel full. In addition, oatmeal is also available in different forms,” ​​said nutritionist Kristen Fleming. 

Unsaturated Fats

“Unsaturated fats are really good because they lower total cholesterol and blood pressure, while still providing the body with energy.” – says Fleming. She notes that fish rich in omega-3s, such as salmon, mackerel and tuna; nuts such as almonds, Brazil nuts and walnuts; and vegetable oils, including sunflower, olive, corn, and walnut, are good sources of unsaturated fats.

Protein from plant foods

“A vegetarian lifestyle helps reduce the level of LDL cholesterol”, – notes the nutritionist with reference to a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Thus, “the risk of heart disease can be significantly reduced,” adds Fleming.


“Dietary fiber in whole grains, legumes, nuts, seeds , fruits and vegetables are known for their ability to lower cholesterol levels and should be part of your varied diet,” advises nutritionist Eleana Kaidanyan.

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Author: alex

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