High cholesterol: the first three signs that everyone should know about
High cholesterol levels usually do not have pronounced symptoms, but it is very important to detect this dangerous condition as early as possible. This will help prevent serious complications, such as heart problems and stroke.
Usually, high levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol are the result of a combination of unhealthy lifestyles, including excessive consumption of fatty foods, lack of physical activity and unhealthy habits. . Experts talked about the three first signs that can indicate an increase in this important health indicator.
Exacerbation of chronic diseases
There are some conditions in which the level cholesterol increases as a kind of side effect, according to cardiologist, head of the department of preventive medicine at Northwestern University Donald Lloyd-Jones. Yes, the level can unexpectedly increase in people with diabetes, kidney disease, and thyroid disorders. There is also a possible connection with chronic inflammatory diseases, such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis and psoriasis.
Chest pain and shortness of breath
Such sensations are a potential warning of narrowing or blockage of an artery due to high cholesterol, said Eugene Young, MD, director of the American College of Cardiology's Center for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention. The pain can spread to the left arm, neck, jaw, back.
Face and skin manifestations
When there is too much LDL cholesterol circulating in the bloodstream, symptoms can appear on the face. According to Dr. Lloyd-Jones, this is signaled by xanthomas, as well as the corneal arch.
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