High cholesterol: which drink will help reduce it, scientists revealed

To improve quality of life and increase its duration, it is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle. The risk of developing dangerous diseases will be significantly lower if, first of all, proper nutrition is followed.

Moreover, one of the most serious are heart diseases. These include an increased level of “bad” LDL-cholesterol. These fatty substances are known to settle along the walls of arteries, they can accumulate and harden. The process is known as atherosclerosis and can limit blood flow to tissues and organs.

Dietitian Victoria Taylor has warned that frequent addition of full-fat cow's milk to cereal, tea and coffee can lead to “accumulation” of the amount of saturated fat consumed. Goat's milk also contains similar levels of saturated fat, which can raise low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol levels in the blood.

Experts from cholesterol charity heart UK explain: “Our liver cells have receptors for LDL. When LDL cholesterol passes through the blood, these receptors take the cholesterol from the blood to the liver to be broken down. Research shows that eating too much saturated fat prevents the receptors from working well and cholesterol builds up in the blood.” Taylor notes that soy milk can be a good alternative to cow's or goat's milk. The fact is, research has linked soy protein to heart health benefits. “Studies have shown that consuming 15 to 25 g of soy protein per day can help lower cholesterol,” explained the expert.

By lowering cholesterol, a person reduces the likelihood of developing heart disease. Therefore, by consuming soy milk, you can not only reduce the high level of “bad” cholesterol, but also the risk of heart disease, the nutritionist concluded.

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Author: alex

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