High pressure. Two organs that can be affected until death
High blood pressure can cause many problems, but two organs are particularly affected by it – the heart and kidneys. Damage to them caused by hypertension can cause a person's death.
Characterized by high blood pressure, hypertension is an insidious condition – its symptoms often appear after internal damage that is imperceptible to the eye has already occurred. In this case, two organs can be particularly affected: negative changes occur in them, which destroy a person's health up to possible death. This was reported by experts from the Mayo Clinic (USA).
Heart. High pressure, affecting blood vessels and arteries, can cause a violation of the integrity of their tissues, which leads to problems with blood supply to the myocardium. When blood cannot flow freely to the heart, chest pains, heart rhythm disturbances, and heart attacks may occur.
Another problem is enlargement of the left ventricle, which occurs because high blood pressure forces the heart muscle to work harder to pump blood around the body.
“Thickening of the left ventricle increases the risk of a heart attack , heart failure and sudden cardiac death,” doctors warn.
How to improve heart health? According to experts, positive lifestyle changes can significantly reduce high blood pressure and the associated heart risk. They emphasize the special importance of physical activity: regular exercises activate blood circulation and make the heart muscle much stronger.
Kidneys. They filter excess fluid and waste from the blood – this process requires healthy and strong blood vessels. High blood pressure threatens to damage blood vessels – as a result, the kidneys can be affected.
“Hypertension is one of the most common causes of kidney failure, because blood vessels damaged by it prevent the kidneys from filtering waste effectively, contributing to the accumulation of dangerous substances , scarring of kidney tissues. In the end, dialysis or a kidney transplant may be necessary,” experts state.
How to help the kidneys? In the presence of hypertension, it is necessary to regularly check the pressure and, if necessary, to take medication – it must be maintained at a level below 140/90 mm Hg. You should discuss with your doctor the possible damage caused by drugs to the kidneys and ask his opinion about other ways to lower pressure.
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