Hoarse voice and four more symptoms that cannot be ignored
Many people prefer to ignore the obvious symptoms of serious diseases and go to specialists too late. Doctors have named 5 signs that are better not to be ignored.
Constant thirst may indicate an increase in blood sugar. In this case, itching, fatigue and accelerated urination are added, especially at night. Most likely, it is about the development of diabetes. .
Another important feature experts call constant bruises, which arise for an unclear reason and do not last long. This may be due to leukemia or platelet deficiency. Quite often hematomas occur due to excessive capture by anticoagulants. However, the survey should not be neglected. It is important to consult a specialist to prevent cancer. Hyperhidrosis can also be a symptom of neuropsychic and somatic diseases. If a person sweats greatly against the background of emotional overload, most likely, he has a violation of the autonomic nervous system. Sweating, including night, can occur with hyperthyroidism (thyroid hyperfunction). However, it should be alert if it is accompanied by heat for a long time.
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