Home body detox: basic rules
“Many diseases originate from the accumulation of harmful and unnecessary substances in the body. Animals do not drink and eat what is harmful to them. Man is deprived of such an instinct and often consumes things that lead to diseases. Therefore, sometimes the body should take a rest or, as it is now fashionable to say, “detox”, to remove harmful substances from itself“
– Swiss alchemist, doctor, philosopher , naturalist Paracelsus.
Albina Dolganyuk, a therapist at the Austrian health center Verba Mayr, told us about the rules of home detox, how to make a proper schedule and how to follow it.
< p>Detox therapy, as a preventive method of treatment, can be recommended to strengthen health, increase immunity, improve the quality and length of life – both for a conditionally healthy person and for a person suffering from various diseases. Absolutely high-quality and full-fledged detox can be carried out only under the supervision of a specialist, because the task of detoxification is to improve health, improve the functional activity of the main detox systems and organs, remove toxins from the body (namely: intestines, liver, kidneys, skin, lungs, lymphatic system , circulatory system).
The gastrointestinal tract is the most important component of good health and immunity. The intestine is the largest human immune organ: many protective structural and cellular elements are concentrated here, as well as our common microbiota. A modern person generally eats 30-40 tons of food during his lifetime. The gastrointestinal tract can be tentatively labeled as the “entrance gate” of our body. It is critically important what and how enters through them and what happens behind the gate. Due to the peculiarities of the structure of the gastrointestinal tract, it has a large absorption surface. This is necessary for the absorption of nutrients from food: amino acids, glucose, fats, trace elements, vitamins, minerals and water.
So what are the rules of detoxification?
If you are planning a home detox, first of all, you need to take measures to restore the acid-alkaline balance of the body through the organization of a balanced diet. In the diet, it is necessary to increase foods that have alkaline properties: vegetables (cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, beets, pumpkin, celery, spinach, asparagus, cucumbers, onions), citrus fruits (lemon, lime, grapefruit, tangerine, orange), mango, papaya , pear, kiwi, melon, grapes), grain crops (wild rice, millet, amaranth, millet, quinoa) and much more.
For for proper detoxification, it is necessary to remember not only the list of products, but also several rules for their consumption:
– Fresh vegetables, fruits and berries must be consumed strictly for breakfast or lunch, raw vegetables are not recommended in the evening (due to the risk of fermentation and bloating).
– Coffee lovers should take care: you can use no more than 2 cups per day.
— Red meat (beef, lamb) should be consumed no more than once a week.
— Hard types of cheese no more than every other day .
There is a list of products not recommended for consumption
These include: liver, kidneys, brain, heart, lungs, etc., because they contain a lot of cholesterol and purines, which increase the level of uric acid; fats: animal fats (fatty meat, lard, margarine), frying oil (contains trans fats, which increase the risk of atherosclerosis and cancer), meat broth, flour, sweets, alcohol.
< strong>It will be very useful to make changes to your diet several times a week
For example, you can be vegetarian 2 times a week, you can also skip dinner 2 times, and eat fish 3 times a week.
It is important to remember the drinking regime. It is necessary to drink a lot between meals, at least 2-3 liters of clean water per day, 30 minutes before and 1 hour after meals. Water is a natural solvent that will help the body wash out acids, salts, toxins.
It is useful to include lymphatic drainage and cleansing procedures for the body in your individual schedule: sauna, hammam, detox peelings, detox wraps with algae, clay, lymphatic drainage massages – all this will help the body to remove toxins through the pores.
Take measures to fight bad habits and addictions
According to which schedule the scenario will develop depends on you, the state of inner peace. Therefore, a psychologist's consultation or an emotional coaching session can be included in the “home detox” schedule. Try to reduce the total toxic load of the body: this can be achieved by giving up smoking, excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, sweets.
In the usual life and during an intensive course of cleansing the body, it is necessary to combat hypodynamia! Movement is necessary for your body to recover from hypoxic stress, so that cells receive oxygen and produce more energy. Recommended low-intensity cardio, 10,000 steps daily. Increase the distance, the number of steps taken gradually. Think over the route in advance, choose picturesque places where you are comfortable.
When making a schedule for “Home Detoxification”, make sure you have enough time to sleep. Think about how long and how you sleep. 7-8 hours of full sleep is recommended. Starting at 10 p.m., do not use a smartphone, tablet, computer, or watch TV. Manage your time properly!
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