Honey, Apple and Nut Saviour: when we celebrate the main summer holidays according to the new calendar


Since the OCU and the UGCC switched to the New Julian calendar, most church holidays got new dates, because they shifted by 13 days and are now celebrated earlier.

The same applies to such important holidays that are dedicated to Jesus Christ. People call them Saviors.

When we celebrate the Honey, Apple and Nut Savior

The first thing believers celebrate is the Honey Savior, who is still often called Macovii. This is the day when three shrines are honored in the Church: the Life-giving Cross of the Lord, the Image of the Savior and the icon of the Volodymyr Mother of God. Honey is brought to temples to sanctify it there.

Before the transition to the new calendar, we celebrated Makovia on August 14. And according to the New Julian calendar, this holiday will already fall on August 1.

A few days later, the faithful will celebrate the next one – Apple Savior. In the Church, another name is more common, which is official – Transfiguration of the Lord. Various dishes are traditionally prepared from apples. Also during this period the harvesting period begins.

Previously, Yabluchnyi Spas fell on August 19, but after the innovation, this holiday will be celebrated on August 6. Believers carry baskets of apples to temples to consecrate them there. In ancient times, it was believed that this is how people sanctify the entire harvest that was harvested this year.

The last holiday of the cycle is popularly called the Nut Saviour. Believers also call it by its official name – the transfer of the Image of the Lord Not Made by Hands to Constantinople.

Previously, the Nutcracker Savior was celebrated at the end of summer – on August 29. But according to the New Julian calendar, it will fall on August 16.

In 2024, Ukrainians will celebrate the Trinity on a new date. Its celebration is tied to the celebration of Easter, which falls on May 5. And that is why we celebrate the Trinity on June 23, on the 50th day after the celebration of the Bright Resurrection of Christ. People call this one of the most important holidays Pentecost, Green Sunday, Green Holidays.

Matching on this day is for a successful marriage: there will be beautiful children in the family, harmony in the home, and one love in the hearts. to one Instead, it is forbidden to play a wedding on the Trinity, because nothing good will come of it, the family will quickly fall apart and be unhappy.

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Author: alex

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