Hot drinks that could make you more 'vulnerable' to cancer

Cancer cells go to work after they have developed. They do not sit idle, but multiply and spread to other parts of the body if they are not stopped in time. Unfortunately, this process can be difficult to stop, so you should focus on ways to reduce your risk in the first place.

There are many risk factors that can contribute to the development of cancer, some of which you cannot change, such as age and gender. However, growing evidence points to how you can change your risk of developing the disease.

A growing body of evidence links drinking very hot tea (60°C hot) with an increased risk of oesophageal cancer, warned Hussein Abdeh, a pharmacist at Medicine Direct.

Esophageal cancer is cancer that occurs anywhere in the esophagus, sometimes called the gullet or oesophagus.

According to Mr Abdeh, it is important to have implying that 60 degrees is higher than the normal temperature of a hot cup of tea, and that this is a relative rather than a direct health risk.

“Esophageal cancer is not that common, even though excessively hot drinks can increase the risk is still relatively low,” he said.

However, to further minimize the risk, “it is recommended to let the tea cool for a few minutes before you start drinking it,” the pharmacist noted.


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Author: alex

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