Hot or cold method: how best to close the jam

Jam in the house is always holiday and sweet joy. Delicious with pancakes, tea, pies and rolls, with desserts and ice cream. Without jam, life is not sweet at all for adults and children. Therefore, housewives try to cook it from different fruits and berries every season. It is one thing to prepare, and another to ensure long-term storage. How to better close jars, read further in the article.

Hot or cold method

It is a philosophical and culinary question, how best to pour ready-made jam into jars. Some say that only hot, while others insist on its preliminary cooling.

Let's start with the fact that the jam must be cooked in accordance with the technological process. It is about choosing high-quality raw materials, correct preparation with appropriate proportions of components.

If the jam is poured hot, delamination may occur. The berries rise to the top, and the syrup remains at the bottom. There is no homogeneous mass. There is one more point. The hot mass steams. When you close it with a lid, water drops will form on it. They can cause mold. The hot method is suitable only for jam that is prepared in a quick way, the so-called “five minutes”.

For long-term storage, the jam can be laid out chilled. However, the container must be prepared accordingly, that is, washed and sterilized. There is not a single drop of water in it. You can close with both metal and plastic lids.

So, when you are looking for an answer to the question of hot or cold method, first choose the type of preparation. There will be quick jam or for long-term storage. The answer will become obvious.

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Author: alex

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