Housewives told what they sprinkle pepper and tomato seedlings with so that there is no “black leg”
It often happens that seedlings grow for 2-3 weeks, and then is falling The stem in the middle darkens and dries up. This may be due to a disease called “black leg”, which usually affects pepper and tomato seedlings if watering rules are not followed. How to fight the disease so as not to lose all the seedlings, read in detail.
If you notice a “black leg” on at least one of the plants, you will need copper sulfate and wood ash. Take a teaspoon of copper sulfate and mix it in 1 cup of wood ash.
Then shake the soil around the seedlings with this mixture. Be sure to follow the rules of watering, do not pour seedlings. The mixture can also be used for prevention.
If the “black leg” has appeared on tomatoes, then, unlike pepper, the plant can be planted and it will grow new roots along the stem.
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