How a mole can help harvest a great harvest of strawberries: what's the secret

The summer residents are used to the fact that moles are pests that spoil the lawn and garden beds. Therefore, it is customary to chase them away from the plots, install deterrents. But you shouldn't be in a hurry with strawberry beds.


Experienced gardeners know that sometimes these little animals can be useful and save strawberry plantings from pests.

There are insects that feed on strawberry roots. But moles are good at ridding the area of ​​them, and the roots of the plants are not touched.

But if you still decide to get rid of moles in the country, there are several safe ways.

One of them is in the use of smells that these animals do not like. For example, you can put pieces of fabric soaked in gasoline, fuel oil, or castor oil into mole holes. Moles also do not like the aroma of coffee grounds, pepper, onions and garlic.

You can plant plants whose smell is also unpleasant to moles. These are usually daffodils, marigolds, basil, dill, celery.

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Author: alex

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