How autumn weather affects mood and hormones
Rain, cloudy weather, the rapid end of daylight, cold – all this affects a person's mood and emotions. In autumn, every second person complains of a decline in strength, drowsiness and a depressive state.
According to a somnologist, the key cause of autumn blues is a lack of sunlight. In some regions, with the onset of autumn and winter, the sun almost completely disappears from the sky.
The expert advised to be outside more often in clear weather and not to forget about lighting at home. The less light, the worse the production of vitamin D. It is responsible for the influx of energy and strength.
Cloudy weather and early onset of dusk increase the concentration of the sleep hormone – melatonin. For this reason, many people constantly want to sleep in autumn and winter. To produce melatonin, the body needs tryptophan. This component is involved in the synthesis of the hormone of happiness – serotonin. But due to the intensive production of the “sleepy” hormone, the amount of tryptophan for the hormone of joy is not enough. This process explains the deterioration of mood.
The doctor advised to increase the amount of products with vitamin D, magnesium and tryptophan in the fall. These substances can be found in sardines, salmon, butter, eggs, leafy greens, almonds, as well as in dairy products and turkey. Natural chocolate and apples will help produce serotonin, the doctor added.
Doctors also advise walking more, engaging in physical activity, devoting time to your favorite hobby, meeting with friends and loved ones, and avoiding stress and negative emotions. Playing sports will be the perfect “medicine” against longing, even in cloudy weather.
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