How Brigitte Macron manages to stay slim and youthful
The First Lady of France is not keen on new wellness trends, preferring the old but true method.
Brigitte Macron will turn 68 this April and, judging by the current photos of the First Lady of France, she will celebrate this event in great shape. The president's wife does not complain about being overweight and can afford dresses and skirts that emphasize slender legs without hesitation. But how does Brigitte manage to keep her figure? It can be assumed that Madame Macron was very lucky with genetics, but the first lady of France does not forget about diet.
The First Lady of France with her husband at the Elysee Palace, May 7, 2017
Macron looks 10-15 years younger than her peers and chooses quite bold clothing models, but when it comes to nutrition, some nutritionists might call Brigitte old-fashioned. She is not a fan of popular diets (not counting calories, not following a bunch of rules and at the same time losing weight and improving the condition of the body and skin) and is not fond of fasting (intermittent fasting). She only makes sure that her daily diet includes at least 10 seasonal vegetables and fruits, and under no circumstances does she want to see fast food on the table.
Dietitian Frankie Phillips notes Madame Macron's competent approach. According to the specialist, focusing on a variety of fruits and vegetables in your daily diet is one of the best ways to stay healthy and stay young: “People who eat five servings (about 400 grams) of fruits and vegetables a day have a reduced risk of developing several chronic diseases, including heart disease and cancer.” Fruits and vegetables are not only a source of fiber, which is so necessary in adulthood, but also nutrients. Today, many nutritionists strongly recommend enriching your diet with vegetables high in vitamins instead of the usual dietary supplements.There are even special lists of vegetables and fruits with a rejuvenating effect. Usually, the following products top the rankings:
- Spinach. Rich in lutein and zeaxanthin, which prevent the development of cataracts and have a positive effect on the condition of the retina.
- Red pepper. Contains a lot of vitamin C and carotene, which are considered powerful antioxidants. Vitamin C helps strengthen the immune system, prevent skin aging and the appearance of wrinkles.
- Apples. One of the most popular anti-age fruits with a high content of pectin, which helps remove toxins and maintain skin elasticity.
- Avocado. A product with a very high content of vitamin E. Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant. Nutritionists strongly recommend avocado dishes for those with dry and irritated skin.
- Broccoli. Rich in quercetin, an antioxidant with anti-inflammatory properties. Considered an excellent remedy for the prevention of colitis and arthritis.
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