How calorie restriction and longevity are linked: new study by scientists
Moderately reduced food consumption, which does not cause malnutrition (restriction of caloric content of the diet), has a beneficial effect on life expectancy and health. Scientists from the Yale School of Medicine, the University of Washington, the Pennington Biomedical Research Center and other US scientific and research institutions came to this conclusion.
The results of the study were published in the journal Science. Scientists studied immune function indicators in people who limited daily calorie intake by about 14% for two years. As it turned out, in this case, more T-cells were produced, which play a key role in immune function and slow down the aging process.
“Two years of moderate calorie restriction reprogrammed pathways in fat cells that help regulate how mitochondria (the energy centers of cells. – Ed. Pennington Biomedical Research Center Director of Clinical Sciences Eric Ravoussin. – In other words, calorie restriction rearranges metabolic and immune reactions that increase life expectancy and health”.
The expert explains: the thymus gland, which produces T cells, decreases with age and produces fewer such cells. As a result, it is more difficult for older people to fight infections and some types of cancer. And limiting calories helps prevent its decrease.
Increased production of T cells is associated with an improved ability of the body to burn reserves of fatty acids for energy, according to a publication on the Center's website. This is important, the researchers note. If a person does not burn this “fuel”, fat can accumulate, leading to insulin resistance, obesity, type 2 diabetes and aging.
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