How can cream soups harm the body?
Cream soups should not be consumed by adults on a regular basis, the doctor stated.
A dietitian explained in an interview how cream soups can harm the body. The specialist said that such grinding of ingredients (the same vegetables) reduces the nutritional value of products. In particular, the body receives fewer vitamins and microelements.
“Their nutritional value is reduced due to the cooking technology: heating and mechanical grinding. And the fiber is boiled down and becomes digestible instead of the necessary indigestible,” the doctor said about cream soups.
The nutritionist added that preparing such soups turns the complex carbohydrates contained in vegetables into simple ones – as a result, their glycemic index increases. This means that eating a dish with a creamy texture, practically devoid of fiber, causes a rapid increase in blood sugar levels and its sharp fluctuations, which adversely affect the body.
In addition, when eating too soft food, the dentofacial apparatus does not receive the necessary load for it.
The nutritionist also drew attention to the fact that cream soups are often saturated with fatty, high-calorie, far from the most useful components, for example, such as fried vegetables, ham, processed cheese or cream. The huge amount of fat in such dishes, which is also quickly absorbed due to the lack of fiber, can become an excessive burden on the pancreas and other digestive organs.
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