How can the daily use of sour milk cheese affect the body?
In the opinion of a nutritionist, sour milk cheese is a product suitable for daily use. Thanks to such a habit, the work of the body can change for the better in many ways.
“100-200 grams of this product will get rid of many health problems,” the specialist claims.
The doctor explained how the daily use of cheese can affect the body.
Hemoglobin increases. To prevent anemia, you need to eat cheese: it contains iron (0.4 milligrams per 100 grams), which is used by the body to create hemoglobin.
The condition of the liver improves.
strong>Due to the content of the amino acid methionine, the product has a positive effect on fat metabolism, which has a positive effect on the liver, preventing its obesity. Fat disease of this organ haunts lovers of fast food, fried food, sweets and flour products, alcohol.
The mechanism of satiety is normalized. Cheese is rich in protein (100 grams with a fat content of 9 percent provide 16 percent of the daily norm squirrel). This makes it a product that saturates and keeps you full for a long time. In this way, it protects against overeating, even helps to lose weight.
Muscles are strengthened.Cheese protein is better absorbed by the body than meat protein due to fermentation. It effectively maintains good muscle condition, helps to build muscle mass.
The condition of teeth, hair, and nails improves. This is facilitated by the saturation of the product with calcium and phosphorus.
“The higher the fat content of the cheese, the easier it is for the body to absorb calcium. The mineral needs vitamin D for absorption, and it is fat-soluble,” the doctor explained.
Relieves nervous tension. Cheese is distinguished by a large amount of tryptophan: this amino acid helps to get rid of anxiety and depressive states. , and also improves the quality of sleep by stimulating the synthesis of melatonin.
The doctor noticed that cottage cheese, which contains very few carbohydrates, is one of the best foods that you can eat in the evening without worrying about your figure.
“Since muscles do not grow during exercise, but during recovery, night sleep, when the body produces growth hormone, cheese will be good as the last meal. You can eat it even if you are allergic to milk,” the doctor stated.
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