How can't a box under the oven

a box under the oven every housewife uses in his own way, as Chuika suggests. Let's be honest: did many read how to use it with practical benefits? Obviously not. Be sure to read that you cannot leave under the oven in a “multifunctional” miracle.


1. The drawing box was invented in order to maintain the optimum temperature for cooked dishes. For example, you have prepared pizza, but the plan should be baked. And so that the first does not cool, it should be placed in the lower compartment. The temperature mode during the oven will maintain the pizza condition for 1-2 hours.

2. Other direct practical application is the heating of ceramic plates. For example, you plan to lay out baked rolls or stewed potatoes. In order for the dish to be hot for longer and the plate does not stole heat to itself – it should be warmed up. The time of cooking will be enough for the plate to become moderately warm in the lower box.

3. It is not allowed to store all paper objects (for example, parchment for baking), fabric products (sponges for washing dishwashing), chemicals (for washing stove, kitchen), plastic items (disposable cookware). Therefore, if there are such objects in your lower box under the oven, find them a new place. Everything that is treated with heat treatment and does not emit toxic scents.

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Author: alex

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