How dangerous are edible mushrooms collected in the forest?
The mushroom season begins in autumn. During this period, gastroenterology departments in hospitals are steadily replenished with new patients. Most of them end up with food poisoning from poisonous mushrooms. However, even edible plants can be dangerous to health if they are collected in inappropriate places.
The gastroenterologist explained that mushrooms are a kind of sponge that can absorb toxic substances from the air and soil. If the concentration of such components is too high, poisoning cannot be avoided, even if you have collected the most delicious and edible mushrooms.
The doctor clarified that a lot depends on the type of mushroom. For example, butter mushrooms, russulas, and porcini mushrooms have the ability to intensively accumulate radioactive cesium. White mushrooms and champignons accumulate mercury, and black mushrooms accumulate copper.
Another reason why an edible mushroom can be toxic is old age.
“When a mushroom enters the stage of maturity, harmful substances begin to form in it. It is useful to eat such mushrooms raw or not sufficiently thermally processed,” the doctor warned.
In addition, old mushrooms can harbor insect larvae and form pathogenic organisms, including staphylococci, enterococci, Escherichia coli, and many others.
The doctor advised choosing and storing mushrooms correctly. They should be sorted and cleaned on the day of collection. Then it is recommended to cook them. After the initial heat treatment, the mushrooms can be placed in the refrigerator for a day – this will help slow down the self-destruction of the mushroom. Mushrooms can be stored in the freezer for even longer – about a year.
Symptoms of mushroom poisoning usually appear immediately after eating, usually a few hours after eating. A person begins to feel nauseated, vomiting and abdominal pain appear, chills and general weakness. If there are signs of intoxication, it is best to call an ambulance, because the poisoning may be too serious, and then home methods of dealing with it may not help and even lead to death.
Before the arrival of doctors, it is necessary to rinse the stomach and take a sorbent. Further assistance will be provided by doctors.
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