How does learning foreign languages ​​help the brain

Research has shown that learning a foreign language improves brain health. And this provides protection against its age-related degeneration.

Canadian scientists followed a group of people between the ages of 65 and 75, who for 16 weeks learned a foreign language using a mobile application, or did other brain training, not related to language processes.

The results of both groups were also compared with the control group, which did not train its brain in any way. 

It turns out that the executive function of the brain strengthened in the first two groups. Findings suggest that older adults may derive cognitive benefits from activities that they find enjoyable.

Learning foreign languages ​​may interest them even regardless of possible brain benefits. It's not about attending some classes, but about using a popular application for learning other languages.

The hero of this mobile application is a cheerful cartoon owl, which gives you the opportunity to go through certain exercises every day. At the same time, the study participants rated this application more highly than another one designed for brain training. Science has also previously concluded that bilingualism strengthens mental acuity, and bilingual people are less likely to experience senile dementia at an early age.

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Author: alex

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