How does the time of sleep affect the number of calories consumed?

A nutritionist spoke about a new study of the effect of sleep on weight loss.


Despite the fact that the physiological mechanisms of the effect of sleep on appetite are still not completely clear, it is already known that lack of sleep, with a sleep duration of 4-5 hours, is associated with overeating during the next day. ⠀

In the course of the latter, the research conducted by its scientists focused on something else – whether it is possible to reduce calorie consumption by increasing the duration of sleep.

The work involved people who slept less than 6.5 hours a day for 80 overweight volunteers. They were divided into two groups. The participants of one of them received clear recommendations on the organization of sleep, which extended the volunteers' sleep by 1-1.5 hours:

  • follow the established regime of going to bed and waking up;
  • decrease lighting in the bedroom;
  • do not use gadgets before going to bed;
  • reduce the amount of caffeine consumed;
  • increase physical activity.

Then the scientists studied how the caloric content of the participants' diet changed and came to the conclusion that those of them who improved their sleep patterns on average reduced the number of calories consumed per day by 155 units.

“A deficit of 155 kcal per day — it's not that much, especially if you count in donuts. But as mathematical modeling shows, if this situation continues, it will normalize body weight without any additional efforts,” the doctor summarized.

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Author: alex

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