How eggs are harmful: violations that are possible when using them

Egg lovers you should know that their improper use can negatively affect the digestive tract, cause severe abdominal pain.

Eggs are consumed by a huge number of people: they are filling, affordable, allow you to prepare delicious dishes, and provide the protein that the body needs. Athletes are especially interested in this product, as well as those who carefully monitor their weight and achieve weight loss. But if eggs are eaten unwisely, in too large a quantity, it can harm the body and well-being in a certain way, doctors warn.

High cholesterol level.One egg can provide 186 milligrams of cholesterol, more than half of the recommended 300 milligrams per day. Therefore, when you eat eggs uncontrollably, the content of low-density lipoprotein (LDL), the so-called “bad” cholesterol, begins to rise in the blood. An increase in the level of this type of cholesterol, which tends to accumulate in the form of plaques on the inner walls of arteries, increases the risk of heart disease. If the heart is already unhealthy, the number of eggs in the diet should be limited.

Insulin resistance. Another disorder that is possible with too frequent consumption of egg dishes – primarily fried, with the addition of bacon, sausage, white bread. Such food increases the load on the pancreas, contributes to the development of metabolic disorders, the growth of fat deposits in the body. Such deviations become prerequisites for the emergence of resistance to insulin – a hormone that controls blood sugar. As a result, the level of glucose in the blood rises sharply, and with it the risk of prediabetes, type 2 diabetes.

Problems with digestion. An excess of eggs in the diet can affect the digestive tract – in some people experience bloating, pain, flatulence. Negative symptoms can be more serious in the presence of an undetected food allergy, hypersensitivity to eggs. In addition, eggs can provoke deterioration of well-being in people who have chronic cholecystitis or pancreatitis.

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Author: alex

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