How experienced gardeners use dolomite flour

Some gardeners believe that dolomite flour is not a very good fertilizer, and do not use it on the site or use it very little.

However, dolomite has very useful properties, it has no side effects when used.


The composition of powdered dolomite includes both magnesium and calcium, which are so important for the soil and proper plant development.

If the soil is poor and there is a significant shortage of these components, then the plants grow poorly and have difficulty absorbing useful substances.

Dolomite flour effectively deacidifies the soil, making it fertile.


Dolomite flour is used if weeds grow luxuriantly in the beds, and cultivated plants wither and suffer from a lack of nutrition.

Dolomite saturates the soil with calcium, which negatively affects the growth and development of weeds.


Dolomite flour is used by experienced gardeners to combat dangerous pests.

The powder is able to destroy the protective shell of insects that have a chitinous shell.

Fertilizer is applied to the soil during autumn digging, and in the spring you will not see either the Colorado potato beetle or the wireworm on the site.

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Author: alex

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