How experienced housewives use coffee grounds
In any family where it is customary to drink coffee, a decent amount of grounds can accumulate in just a couple of days. You shouldn't throw away this valuable product. It's best to try some life hacks.
What are the best ways to use grounds
For beauty
Many women have been using only one scrub for their face and body for years – coffee grounds. Thanks to this, you can keep your skin in good shape.
It also helps to maintain youth for many years. Coffee grounds can be enhanced with any other products – base oils, sour cream, kefir.
For the refrigerator
If you are used to storing a lot of products in the refrigerator at the same time, you may encounter the problem of an unpleasant odor.
If you simply put a small bowl of coffee in it, the problem will be solved. You need to change the coffee every week.
For wooden furniture
During operation, various scuffs and scratches may appear on it, which can be skillfully masked. To do this, you need to polish the furniture with coffee grounds.
It will be difficult to notice the flaws.
The grounds can be a harmless abrasive that can cope with dirt on dishes.
Using the product is simple – you need to apply it to a sponge.
If you drink coffee without sugar and milk, then such grounds should be dried. After that, they can be sent to the compost pit to make organic fertilizer even more valuable and useful.
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