How experienced housewives use raspberry and strawberry tails
Berries grown in a summer cottage are not only a tasty treat, but also a healthy product. Vitamins and trace elements are contained both in the fruits themselves and in other parts of the plant. That is why advanced housewives prefer not to throw away the tails left over from the berries. They have found a more practical application.
If you dry raspberry and strawberry sepals and mix them with dried mint leaves, you will get not only a very aromatic, but also a very healthy tea.
You can be sure that this drink, unlike store-bought analogues, uses only natural ingredients.
Vitamin tea can also be obtained from dried raspberry, cherry, currant and linden leaves.
Herbal tea uses equally useful oregano, St. John's wort and chamomile.
Such a healing drink will be especially useful if you have caught a cold or have a weakened immune system.
And healthy people will not be harmed by a vitamin supplement to tea.
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