How green tea can harm the body: the disorders it causes

The wrong use of green tea can bring more harm than good: with excessive enthusiasm, the drink can cause disorders in the body, including increased pressure and anemia.

There's no denying that green tea has many health benefits, but health experts suggest limiting your consumption to two cups a day. The most avid drinkers are strongly advised not to drink more than five cups a day.

This drink contains many active substances that have the potential to significantly affect the body. In high concentration, they can provoke unwanted effects that worsen well-being, experts warn.

Telling how green tea can harm the body, experts listed violations that are warning signs indicating that it was drunk in large quantities.

Rapid heartbeat and increased blood pressure. Although green tea has less caffeine than coffee, if you drink several cups, it can affect the heart rhythm, cause an increase in blood pressure. It can be especially dangerous for people with heart disease.

“Limit green tea consumption if you have hypertension or any other cardiovascular disease,” doctors shared their advice.

Stress. Drinking several cups of green tea a day can increase mental stress by increasing the concentration of caffeine in the bloodstream. This stimulates the adrenal glands to produce more stress hormones – norepinephrine, adrenaline and cortisol.

Development of anemia. When consumed in large quantities, the drink prevents the absorption of iron from food, which increases the risk of developing iron deficiency anemia. , which is characterized by an insufficient content of erythrocytes in the blood. Anemia is indicated by such symptoms as fatigue, dizziness, pale skin, cold hands and feet, rapid heartbeat.

Digestive disorders. Tea tannins have astringent properties and can reduce some body tissues. Their excess can cause dry mouth, nausea, upset stomach.

Bad sleep. Due to the excess of caffeine obtained with tea, it may be difficult to fall asleep, the quality of sleep deteriorates – it becomes more anxious and responsive.

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Author: alex

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