How housewives use weathered lard

Due to prolonged storage, lard can lose its white color and become yellowish. On the other hand, the product becomes weathered. As a result, it still largely loses its appetizing appearance. In such a situation, many housewives come to the conclusion that it is necessary to get rid of the dish.


However, experienced cooks will never throw old lard in the trash. Cunning chefs know that even such a product can easily be made into a tasty supplement. Yellowed lard is easily transformed into a mass that will be an ideal component for popular first courses.

How to process lard

The yellowed preparation should be ground using a meat grinder. The resulting mass should be placed in a jar. The glass container with this filling should be stored in the refrigerator.

The product will come in handy when preparing some soups. The lard should be taken out of the refrigerator and mixed with grated or crushed garlic.

The result is a mixture that can be used as a dressing for borscht or soup.

The ingredient is added to the liquid dish immediately after the latter is prepared. As a result, the soup will acquire a bright, memorable taste: gourmets will be satisfied.

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Author: alex

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