How is broccoli good for health?
What belongs to the category of the most useful foods for health, broccoli belongs to of the cruciferous family along with cauliflower, Brussels and white cabbage. This vegetable has a high nutritional value that has been noted by experts for many years.
Studies have shown that regular consumption of steamed broccoli reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease by reducing the amount of cholesterol. American scientists found out that a large number of cruciferous vegetables in the diet also reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Broccoli contains vitamin K, an important nutrient for blood clotting and maintaining bone health and strength.
There is strong evidence that vitamin K improves overall bone health by increasing bone mineral density and reducing intensity of fractures in people with osteoporosis. Adults need 1 mcg of vitamin per kilogram of body weight. And this means that a person weighing 75 kg needs 75 mcg of vitamin K. Just 100 g of steamed broccoli contains 145 mcg of vitamin K.
But special care should be taken by people who take anticoagulants such as warfarin. Vitamin K can interact with these medications, so you should consult your doctor before switching to such a diet.
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