How long, according to science, can you sit with your phone on the toilet?
The question is strange, but urgent: is it useful to sit on the toilet with a phone? TWP turned to a gastroenterologist for an answer. It's not that harmful, but the main thing is not to sit too long.
First, prolonged sitting can lead to hemorrhoids. This is partly due to the unique design of each toilet.
“There is a hole in the center,” says a doctor invited by the publication. “And that’s why the anorectal area is a little lower than… your hips. It’s just that gravity makes everything hang down a little bit, and that puts pressure on the veins. So even if you’re not straining, if you’re just sitting there thinking about something. friend, doing something else, there’s some pressure on those veins.
Peristalsis is the name for the translational contractions that push stool through your intestines and into your rectum. But sitting on the toilet for a long time can interfere with this process, the doctor explains. And that, in turn, can be detrimental to your health.
There’s a less obvious reason to spend as little time on the toilet as possible: Studies show that toilet flushing can aerosolize pathogens, spreading them to nearby surfaces. That could apply to your phone, for example, if you put it on the sink next to the toilet.
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