How long can brewed coffee be stored, experts said

Although the process of making coffee does not take much time, in the morning it is difficult to carve out a minute to cook it. As a result, some prefer to drink “yesterday's” coffee, while others prepare a large portion of the drink, which is stretched throughout the day. However, few people know how long ready coffee can be stored.

For those who want to enjoy the aroma and taste of the drink, it is better not to keep it longer than 20 minutes after preparation. The thing is that when exposed to oxygen, coffee very quickly loses its freshness and becomes more bitter due to oxidation.

However, the drink can also be consumed within 24 hours after brewing, if it is stored at room temperature, and within 3 -4 days if it is stored in the refrigerator. Of course, in this case there is no question of freshness, but the coffee will not be dangerous to health.

However, after this period, bacteria can appear in it that can cause serious poisoning. If milk is added to coffee, the drink will spoil much faster. Experts recommend drinking such coffee within a maximum of 48 hours, provided that it is kept in the refrigerator.

The vessel in which the finished coffee is stored also plays an important role. The best material is porcelain and glass, as they do not spoil the taste of the drink. Some prefer to keep coffee in stainless steel cups, but it is suitable for storing it only for an hour or two: due to contact with the material, the coffee can acquire a metallic aftertaste.

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Author: alex

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