How long can you store brewed tea, experts said

The period during which you can drink brewed tea, quite short. The shelf life of such a drink is affected by several factors, including its variety and preparation conditions.

Black tea

It is recommended to drink black tea for a maximum of 30 minutes. If there is any tea left after use, it is better to put it in the refrigerator. This will help keep the tea fresh for 12 hours. If the brew is left standing longer, it is better not to risk health and dispose of it.

Green tea

Green tea varieties can be brewed several times, but tea, which stood in room conditions, is not suitable for re-brewing. As in the case of black tea, green tea can be kept in the refrigerator, but no more than 13 hours.

Tea with lemon

Tea with lemon is stored for no more than 30 minutes. After this period, the product must be disposed of and not sent for storage in the refrigerator.


This tea is ready for use in just a couple of minutes. after brewing. The drink does not spoil if you add water to it while it is warm. Otherwise, you cannot brew oolong again. Brewing that has been standing for more than 6 hours cannot be consumed.


Depending on the temperature of the water, the purpose and the technology of making tea from the Sudanese rose, usually insist on five minutes to two days. For medicinal purposes, it can be drunk both hot and cold. At the same time, in the refrigerator, the drink retains its properties for about a day, and at room temperature – for 30 minutes.

In Eastern countries, a daily brew is equated to a scorpion bite. It is believed that with long-term storage, tea leaves begin to release harmful substances. 30 minutes after brewing, a thin film appears in the drink, which settles on the walls of the stomach and prevents nutrients from being absorbed.

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Author: alex

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