How many sunscreen should be applied to the body so that you do not burn on the beach


The importance of using sun-sullen-haired means is indisputable. Today on the shelves of pharmacies and shops there are means of different formats: creams, sprays, fluids, milk. How to choose what is right for you, dermatologists and cosmetologists. The basic rule is to apply enough tool 20-30 minutes before leaving the house. About 30 milliliters of the product will be required on the entire surface of the body. Experts recommend paying attention to waterproof agents, they are able to increase the protection time from the sun to 6 hours. Another advice is to read the markings carefully. Some modern remedies contain not only protection against invisible UVA and UVB sunlight, but also from visible (blue), under the abbreviation Hev radiation, as well as PPD or PA marking.

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Author: alex

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